Youth Ministries

Policies and Procedures

Our Goal

The goal of our Youth Ministry is for teenagers to give God great glory and joy today and forevermore.

This looks like:

  • Leading teenagers to Christ

  • Getting them involved with the local church

  • Teaching teens about Christ and all He has commanded within His Word

  • Spurring spiritual growth in engaging study of God’s Word

  • One-to-one discipleship

  • Preparing each teen for faithful, Christ-centered young adulthood

what does it look like?

A typical Wednesday night Youth Group starts at 6:30pm with a time of games for fellowship and fun, followed by a time of prayer and singing, and then finishing our time with an engaging scriptural message. We generally finish around 8pm.

As well, we have a Sunday School time at 9:15am prior to the gathered worship service at 10:30am. This time opens with prayer, followed by a Biblical message, group discussion, and closes with a summary, application, and exhortation.

We’d love to have your teen join us!


We make sure to have two or more adult leaders at Wednesday night Youth Group and events. Weekly emails are sent to parent of regularly attending teens regarding time, location, topic, and activity of Youth Group that week.